Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Journal Entry: April 22, 2009

William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)
-"Greatest modern poet (Horton 694)."

Noted Works:
-"Adam's Curse"
-Where Nothing is, There is God

"Adam's Curse" Analysis:
"Adam's Curse" entertains the idea that since the fall of man, anything worth beautifying now requires some level of labouring. According to Yeats, poetry has to be "of a moment's thought." According to Maud Gonne, "Although we never heard of it at school, women must labor to be beautiful." And again, according to Yeats, in the aspiration to obtain love, the results may vary. In the end, all the efforts might pay off or one might "be thought an idler by the noisy set (Horton 694)."

Personal Application:
I think I like the idea of blaming all my faults and hardships on Adam's curse because I don't have to take responsibility when it comes down to it. Through doing my presentation, I've come to realize that it doesn't matter if Adam sinned or not. I must try hard in everything I do so I can earn the things worth while. With that mindset, I believe that I'll not only achieve much more, but I will be more grateful in the end.

Horton, Ronald A. British Literature for Christian Schools. Greenville: Bob Jones University Press, 1992.

1 comment:

  1. I think you were heading into some deep waters with your analysis, and I was slightly disappointed that it ended where it did. So many ideas to examine! (naturalness of poetry, labor of beauty, the varied results of achieving love, and the perception of others). Parenthetical references go after the quotation marks. What is your underlying premise for trying hard in everything? What are the worthwhile things? Gratefulness is a priceless gift.
